Candles provide a pleasant, calming, tranquil environment as well as comfort, but their open flame can be dangerous if not properly monitored. Please read the rules we've set for you below to ensure that you burn your candles cheerfully and safely.
- Avoid spraying household products, or home spray in the air, or on surfaces near the candle. When your candle isn't in use, store in a cool dry place and cover it with an elegant candle lid to protect the quality wax from dust, which can dull its scent and cause problems during burning.
- Condensation on the surface of a candle is a sign it has not been stored correctly, or has been stored for too long. Make sure to wipe this away with a paper towel before lighting.
- Storing candles for too long can affect the scent, so use your candle in a reasonable time to make the most of its beautiful fragrance.
Do Not Burn in a Draught
Do Not Burn in a Warming Unit
Do Not Move a Burning Candle
Do Not Place Near a Heat Source
Do Not Touch, May Be Hot
Keep Away From Children and Pets
Keep Away From Things That Can Catch Fire
Keep Candles at Least Xcm Apart
Keep Wax Pool Clear of Matches and Debris
Never Leave a Burning Candle Unattended
Never Use Liquid to Extinguish
Place Candle Upright
Snuff Out the Flame, Do Not Blow It Out
Trim Edge if Higher Than Xcm
Trim Wick to Xcm
Use a Heat Resistant Candle Holder
Only Use in Holders and Warming Stoves with Sufficient Ventilation
Use in a Suitable Bowl Filled with Water
Remove Packaging Before Use
This Candle Liquifies, Use a Suitable Container
Should you require information or help, please contact our Client Services. Our advisors will be pleased to assist you.
Monday to Saturday: 9am - 7pm
Sunday: 9am - 5pm